Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Initially doctors thought that this Russian patient has cancer, but they were very amazed to find fir tree in his lung. A five-centimeter fir tree has been found in the lung of a man who complained he had a strong pain in his chest and was coughing blood.

The 28-year-old patient, Artyom Sidorkin, came to a hospital in the city of Izhevsk in Central Russia last week, Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reports. Doctors x-rayed his chest and found a tumor in one of the lungs. Suspecting cancer, they made a decision to perform biopsy, but when they cut the tissue, they were amazed to see green needles in the cut eventually removing a small fir tree from his lung.

“I blinked three times, and thought I was seeing things. Then I called the assistant to have a look,” says Vladimir Kamashev, doctor at the Udmurtian Cancer Center.

The five-centimeter branch was removed from the patient’s body.

“They told me my coughing blood was not caused by any disease,” Sidorkin says.

“It was the needles poking the capillaries. It really hurt a lot. But I never felt like I had an alien object inside of me.”

It is obvious that a five-centimeter branch is too large to be inhaled or swallowed, doctors say. They suggest that the patient might have inhaled a small bud, which then started to grow inside his body becoming a small fir tree in his lung. Meanwhile, the piece of lung with the little fir tree has been preserved for further study.

Source: Mosnews.com




Step1Firstly you should know that you can't escape spiders and that they are everywhere, so there's no point stressing out about them. Think to yourself things like, how often do you hear of a spider killing someone? They are probably more scared of us than we are of them, look how big we are compared to them. They are unavoidable so you must overcome the fear of them.

Step2Do some research into spiders in your country. It's unlikely that there are dangerous spiders where you live as these are rare, but it's best that you know the facts. Should you have dangerous spiders near where you live, research what they look like, what you should do if you see one, etc. If you know what to do, should you see a risky spider, you wont be bitten if you are calm and follow the instructions. Should the spider get to you, there is always a cure for spiders at the hospital.

Step3Get some toy spiders and pictures of spiders and get someone that you know well and trust to look at these pictures with you. The more you do this, the more you'll get to know what they are actually like.
Step4Lastly, you must face your fear. I'm not asking you to touch a spider but when you do see one (assuming it is not a harmful spider) look at it. Each time you see one, gradually get closer to it. It really will work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Addicted to Twitter? Hooked on FaceBook? Can’t get enough of your favorite blogs and websites? It seems there are so many more reasons to stay online these days… which means endless hours of sitting. But since that is just so unhealthy, I’ve come up with some ideas to help you get fit while you're online - exercises to get your heart rate up, help you tone up, and de-stress. All at the comfort of that computer desk you're glued to ... or close by.

1.Cyber Squats - Who says you have to sit when you're online? Set your chair aside for a few minutes and instead do squats as you cruise around the Web. I'm squatting right now as I write this - ouch!
Try these Shotgun Squats

2. RSS Raises – As you're sitting at your desk, straighten your knees and lift your legs out in front of you. Do this as you catch up on your favorite blogs on your RSS reader. What the heck is RSS?

3. 10 Minute Move it! Break #1 – Alternate jogging in place with jumping jacks – do a minute of each and repeat 5 times.

4. Twitter Tummy Tone - Tighten your abs for 30 seconds and then release. Do this as you tweet. Tweet me here

5. Social Squeezes – Tighten your glutes for 30 seconds and then release. (Good thing noone can see you at this social, right?) Repeat as you Stumble, Digg, or Friend on Facebook.

6. 10 Minute Move it! Break #2 – Grab a step stool and climb up and down – get creative if you like and alternate knee lifts at the top of the step. Or how 'bout a creative housecleaning workout break?

7. Inbox Incline - While you're sitting with your feet on the floor, raise your heels so you are on the balls of your feet and lower them. Make sure you can feel it in your calves. Do this as you read and reply to your emails.

8. 10 Minute Move it! Break #3 – Do walking lunges around the house or office. Want to make it more challenging? Add some weights and do bicep curls at the same time. Or try some of Jamie Eason's plyometrics moves

9. Blogger Breather - Grab a quick minute to just close your eyes and focus on your breath. Count to 10 as you slowly inhale through your nose, thinking positive thoughts. Exhale through your mouth, again counting to 10. This time release all the tension and stress out of your body. Repeat if you have a few more seconds.

10. Sign Off Stretches. Your neck and shoulders can get pretty tense when you sit at a computer too long. So loosen them up throughout the day with:
a) Shoulder shrugs - with your head at your chest, shrug your shoulders up and down.
b) Neck Rolls - relax your shoulders and let your head roll forward. Slowly rotate your head in a circle. Repeat five times.

Do these exercises throughout the day to avoid becoming a computer potato!
by FatFighterTV, on Thu Apr 9, 2009 1:30pm PDT


You can make yourself happier – and this doesn’t have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next hour, check off as many of the following items as possible. Each of these accomplishments will lift your mood, as will the mere fact that you’ve tackled and achieved some concrete goals.

1. Boost your energy: stand up and pace while you talk on the phone or, even better, take a brisk ten-minute walk outside. Research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up, and the activity and sunlight are good for your focus, your mood, and the retention of information. Plus, because of emotional contagion, if you act energetic, you’ll help the people around you feel energetic, too.

2. Reach out to friends: make a lunch date or send an email to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Having warm, close bonds with other people is one of the keys to happiness, so take the time to stay in touch. Somewhat surprisingly, it turns out that socializing boosts the moods not only of extroverts, but also of introverts.

3. Rid yourself of a nagging task: answer a difficult email, purchase something you need, or call to make that dentist’s appointment. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a big rush of energy and cheer, and you’ll be surprised that you procrastinated for so long.

4. Create a calmer environment: clear some physical and mental space around your desk by sorting papers, pitching junk, stowing supplies, sending out quick responses, filing, or even just making your piles neater. Try to get in the habit of using the “one minute rule”—i.e., never postpone any task that can be completed in less than one minute. An uncluttered environment will contribute to a more serene mood.

5. Lay the groundwork for some future fun: order a book you’ve been wanting to read (not something you think you should read) or plan a weekend excursion to a museum, hiking trail, sporting event, gardening store, movie theater—whatever sounds like fun. Studies show that having fun on a regular basis is a pillar of happiness, and anticipation is an important part of that pleasure. Try to involve friends or family, as well; people enjoy almost all activities more when they’re with other people than when they’re alone.

6. Do a good deed: make an email introduction of two people who could help each other, or set up a blind date, or shoot someone a piece of useful information or gratifying praise. Do good, feel good—this really works. Also, although we often believe that we act because of the way we feel, in fact, we often feel because of the way we act. When you act in a friendly way, you’ll strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

7. Act happy: put a smile on your face right now, and keep smiling. Research shows that even an artificially induced smile has a positive influence on your emotions—turns out that just going through the motion of happiness brightens your mood. And if you’re smiling, other people will perceive you as being friendlier and more approachable.

Some people worry that wanting to be happier is a selfish goal. To the contrary. Studies show that happier people are more sociable, likable, healthy, and productive—and they’re more inclined to help other people. So in working to boost your own happiness, you’re benefiting others as well.

Feel happier yet?
by Gretchen Rubin, 16 hours ago

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Took a ride through memory lane today to gain perspective! You have to see where you came from to know where you are going! My old house looks better these days! My bike makes it look good hahahhahaha! anyway! Just thought I would share!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009