Redbook) You may think you know your husband better than anyone, but chances are he has at least one ''don't-tell-the-wife'' secret -- and he may have as many as 11. Men get smarter as they age. While a younger man might think being honest is always the best policy, he quickly learns that some things are best kept secret the first time he confesses to his girlfriend that yes, he was watching that pretty young thing in the bikini wash her car. Magazine writer and editor Ty Wenger reveals what every woman wants to know: the 11 "don't-tell-the-husband" secrets most women keep:
1. Yes, he falls in lust 10 times a day -- but it doesn't mean he wants to leave you.
2. He actually does play golf to get away from you
3. He is unnerved by the notion of commitment, even after he has made one to you
4. Earning money makes him feel important
5. Though he often protests, he actually enjoys fixing things around the house
6. He likes it when you mother him, but he's terrified that you'll become your mother
7. Every year he loves you more
8. He really doesn't understand what you're talking about when you discuss "issues" in your relationship. It makes no sense at all to him--even though he will nod in agreement and apparent understanding
9. He is terrified when you drive
10. He'll always wish he was 25 again
11. Give him an inch and he'll give you a lifetime. Translation: Let him be a dumb guy and play poker with his buddies or go on vacation alone, and he'll love you forever for that